Eagle one ​precision ​medicine

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What if…

What if we could redefine aging and uncover the secrets to ​long-lasting health and vitality?

Blue Illustration of Molecules
Blue Illustration of Molecules

Welcome to Eagle One Precision Medicine

Where we redefine personal health boundaries with ​pioneering testing and crafting a personalized journey to ​enhance health span and nurture longevity.

What is Eagle One Precision ​Medicine?

Eagle One Precision Medicine epitomizes the ​forefront of preventative healthcare, utilizing ​advanced diagnostics, including epigenetic and ​genetic testing, to craft personalized care plans ​that enhance healthspan and nurture longevity. ​Our name reflects our dedication to precision and ​excellence, emphasizing proactive, tailored ​interventions designed to optimize long-term well-​being and extend quality years of life for each ​patient."

Our Services and Offerings

Concept-weight loss
Senior Woman Applying anti Aging Cream
Collagen powder and skin care products
Healthy people makes healthy lovers

Consults and Programs

Our programs and intervention are guided by ​the following:

Reducing Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is linked to numerous diseases, ​including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, ​and bowel diseases. It can also accelerate aging and ​contribute to neurodegenerative disorders.

Improving the Gut

The gut microbiome plays a critical role in not only ​digestive health but also immune function and ​mental health. Dysbiosis, or the imbalance of gut ​bacteria, has been implicated in a variety of ​conditions from obesity to inflammatory bowel ​disease and even depression.

Optimizing the Immune System

A well-functioning immune system is crucial for ​defending against disease, reducing the likelihood of ​infections, and maintaining overall health. As we age, ​immune function declines, making it even more ​important to support through lifestyle choices.

injecting insulin
Telemedicine or telehealth concept

Epigenetic Testing

What is Epigenetic Testing?

Epigenetic testing analyzes chemical modifications to ​DNA and associated proteins that regulate gene ​activity without altering the DNA sequence itself. ​These modifications can be influenced by various ​factors including diet, environment, lifestyle, and ​stress.

Analogy for Epigenetic Testing

Think of epigenetic testing as examining the settings ​of a smartphone. While the phone's hardware (like ​DNA) doesn't change, the settings (epigenetic marks) ​can be adjusted, impacting how the phone functions ​under different conditions.

Why Consider Epigenetic Testing?

Epigenetic testing is valuable for understanding how ​external factors have influenced gene expression. It ​can provide insights into aging and disease ​susceptibility, offering opportunities to tailor lifestyle ​interventions that may mitigate these risks.

30x Full Genome Testing


What is 30x Whole Genome Sequencing?

30x whole genome sequencing is a comprehensive ​method that reads through the entire DNA sequence ​of an individual about 30 times, ensuring high ​accuracy and coverage. It captures every gene and ​the regions in between, providing a complete picture ​of one's genetic blueprint.

Analogy for 30x Whole Genome Sequencing:​ Imagine scanning an entire library to create detailed ​replicas of every book it contains. Similarly, 30x whole ​genome sequencing scans your entire genetic library, ​ensuring no detail is missed.

Why Consider 30x Whole Genome Sequencing?

This test is crucial for uncovering rare genetic ​variants and mutations that might be missed by less ​thorough tests. It offers a detailed view of one's ​genetic makeup, aiding in the detection of ​predispositions to genetic disorders, and can guide ​personalized medicine.

Full Body MRI

The integration of state-of-the-art ​MRI technology with custom-​developed AI software. This ​powerful combination not only ​enhances the detail and accuracy ​of scans but also enables the early ​detection of a wide range of health ​conditions before symptoms even ​appear. Prenuvo’s innovative ​platform offers unprecedented ​insights into patient health, ​providing a window into potential ​future health trajectories.

Let us order the scan and schedule ​with the site most convenient for ​you.

Multi Cancer Early Diagnostic Test

Healthspan and Skin Care Products

Pill Bottle with Tablets


Cosmetic Bottles and Products

Anti-aging Siro Gel

Tirzepatide / ​Niacinamide

injecting insulin

And Many More! ​Follow the link ​below to learn ​more.


Visit our Fullscript Store to ​see some of our frequently ​used supplemnts or order ​supplemnts you may already ​use in one convenient ​location.

Save at least 10% on all ​your orders through our ​Eagle One Precision ​Medicine Fullscript Store!

Join the New Era of Wellness

Eagle One Precision Medicine is more ​than a clinic; it’s a partnership in your ​health journey, offering innovative ​paths to wellness tailored to your ​life’s unique blueprint.

Are you ready to redefine your health ​journey? Tap on any of the links below ​to explore how epigenetic testing and ​our services can transform your ​wellness. Let’s turn "What If" into ​your new reality.


989 Governors Ln Suite 220B

Lexington, KY 40513

Telemedicine Available


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Telemedicine Available

New York

Telemedicine Coming Soon


Telemedicine Coming Soon!